One of the things she mentioned as all her friends gathered round was patience. She said that if we truly, truly want something in life, we will attain it - if we wait. All good things come to pass.
What she said reminded of Tyler Perry's Madea's Big Happy Family (the play):
Be careful what you pray for. You gotta be willing to go through what it takes to get what you're praying for. It may take you 40 years to get there; a third man to break your heart that will make you feel unattractive. But if you pray for something, keep loving, keep trying... it's gonna come to you.
You need to be ready for an answered prayer. You can't understand up until you've been down. Keep moving, keep moving, get through the obstacles.
If you pray for something and want it to come to pass, you're gonna have to go through some things. So, how bad do you want it?
If birthdays are days when wishes come true, patience and endurance were rather interesting subjects for the birthday girl to bring up! May she, and you, dear readers, and I, see the wishes that will fulfill us and bring us joy come true. Remembering our wishes can bring renewed strength. So, for today's Much Love Monday, I love birthday wishes, those wishes that bring us fulfillment - like the book quote Ana posted a link to earlier this week: our fulfillment may not change the world per se, but will brighten our little corner of the world. Happy proverbial birthday to us all!

Elements: graph paper, bunting, macaroons, star medallion,
pearl letters, cupcake background: pugly pixel;
stapled ribbon: shabby princess
pearl letters, cupcake background: pugly pixel;
stapled ribbon: shabby princess
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