The theme I have chosen is of the Antikythera Mechanism, about which you may read more at the end of this post.
While I tried to organise the links into themes, this was only done as a rough measure to bring some structure to this post. The categories and links within them are not in any particular order. Except I put Thony Christie's first, for it was through his blog that I came to this carnival.
It is interesting to see original histsci work being done at so many levels.
I hope my regular readers will enjoy this event - which is connected to my interest in science, if from a literary standpoint.
*Histsci: Figures, movements
"Isaac Newton: The Last Lone Genius?" Thony Christie (Criticism of Newton’s presentation
in the BBC film documentary, The Last
Magician: “The young Newton did not like some
Carrollian hero draw his Vorpal Blade to slay the Jabberwock of ancient Greek
science but like any bright young academic would do jumped on the band wagon of
modern science that was speeding full speed ahead into the future.” Great writing.)
"Gopnik, Galileo and Ed Young: Galileo not admitting to being wrong" Thony Christie ([Modern] myth vs. the man.)
"Cantankerous Historian of Science Questions Whether Science Can Achieve 'Truth'" John Horgan (Interview with James E. McClellan III on the connection between modern science and pre-revolutionary France.)
"Gopnik, Galileo and Ed Young: Galileo not admitting to being wrong" Thony Christie ([Modern] myth vs. the man.)
"Cantankerous Historian of Science Questions Whether Science Can Achieve 'Truth'" John Horgan (Interview with James E. McClellan III on the connection between modern science and pre-revolutionary France.)
"Prime Ministers at the Royal Society" Joanna Corden (Thatcher wasn’t the
only one, though she had a one-up on Churchill.)
"Blumenbach’s Legacy in the History of Science" Roger Brisson (Known as ‘the father of scientific anthropology’ though has been forgotten; a plea to recognise an 18th century beginning of anthropology.)
"Teaching Experimental Philosophy IV: the case of John Keill" Peter Anstey (Was he the first to teach natural philosophy experiments in a mathematical manner?)
"Zuckerman on Toulmin on Bernal" Will Thomas (Toulmin's cosmology and Zuckerman's suspicion.)
"Alexander M. Carr-Saunders on Social Selection, Heredity, and Tradition" Christopher Donohue (Society as science, heredity vs. culture.
Also along these lines: "Nietzsche's Marginal Children: On Friedrich Hayek" Corey Robin, market vs. politics and morals.)
"Did scientist-critics invent operational research?" Will Thomas (Questions whether misunderstanding of nature of science caused national failure to alleviate socio-economic problems. Also see his "In Praise of Praise: How Historians Could Improve Celebratory History".)
"Saving the symmetry principle, IIIa: truth in the history of science" Michael Bycroft ("Isn't it bad practice for a historian or a sociologist of science to let questions of truth and falsity interfere?")
"Richard Feynman: Life, the Universe and Everything" Christopher Riley (The Nobel-Prize winning professor on the beauty of a single flower and love. “Anything that’s secret I try and undo.”)
"Feynman: his birthday, his diagrams, and his lectures" Jon Butterworth (On the 95th anniversary of his birth, Feynman in the media.)
"The Art of Ofey: Richard Feynman’s Little-Known Sketches and Drawings" Maria Popova (Some of his drawings, “a surprisingly gifted semi-secret artist.”)
"Fizeau’s experiment: the original paper" (The 1849 paper on the terrestrial measurement of the speed of light.)
"Isaac Newton’s universal language" Arika Okrent (Newton’s plan to vary meaning through varying letters – which he left for someone else to develop.)
"The 10 Best Physicists" Robin McKie (Slideshow. In case anyone wants to argue over hero-making again.)
"Obituary: Joe Farman" The Telegraph (Research scientist with the British Antarctic Survey who discovered, in 1982, a “hole” in the ozone layer.)
"Hooke, Newton and the 'missing' portrait" Felicity Henderson (Did Newton slash Hooke’s portrait? No spoilers in this tagline...)
"Dropping in on Gottfried Leibniz" Stephen Wolfram (Leafing through the Leibniz archives: his resolve to make a ‘universal’ calculator. So fascinating: “But Leibniz latched on to base 2 as having particular significance ... binary numbers were at the core of the I Ching, which he’d heard about from missionaries to China, and viewed as related in spirit to his characteristica universalis.” The post is a must-read.)
"Teaching Experimental Philosophy IV: the case of John Keill" Peter Anstey (Was he the first to teach natural philosophy experiments in a mathematical manner?)
"Zuckerman on Toulmin on Bernal" Will Thomas (Toulmin's cosmology and Zuckerman's suspicion.)
"Alexander M. Carr-Saunders on Social Selection, Heredity, and Tradition" Christopher Donohue (Society as science, heredity vs. culture.
Also along these lines: "Nietzsche's Marginal Children: On Friedrich Hayek" Corey Robin, market vs. politics and morals.)
"Did scientist-critics invent operational research?" Will Thomas (Questions whether misunderstanding of nature of science caused national failure to alleviate socio-economic problems. Also see his "In Praise of Praise: How Historians Could Improve Celebratory History".)
"Saving the symmetry principle, IIIa: truth in the history of science" Michael Bycroft ("Isn't it bad practice for a historian or a sociologist of science to let questions of truth and falsity interfere?")
"Richard Feynman: Life, the Universe and Everything" Christopher Riley (The Nobel-Prize winning professor on the beauty of a single flower and love. “Anything that’s secret I try and undo.”)
"Feynman: his birthday, his diagrams, and his lectures" Jon Butterworth (On the 95th anniversary of his birth, Feynman in the media.)
"The Art of Ofey: Richard Feynman’s Little-Known Sketches and Drawings" Maria Popova (Some of his drawings, “a surprisingly gifted semi-secret artist.”)
"Fizeau’s experiment: the original paper" (The 1849 paper on the terrestrial measurement of the speed of light.)
"Isaac Newton’s universal language" Arika Okrent (Newton’s plan to vary meaning through varying letters – which he left for someone else to develop.)
"The 10 Best Physicists" Robin McKie (Slideshow. In case anyone wants to argue over hero-making again.)
"Obituary: Joe Farman" The Telegraph (Research scientist with the British Antarctic Survey who discovered, in 1982, a “hole” in the ozone layer.)
"Hooke, Newton and the 'missing' portrait" Felicity Henderson (Did Newton slash Hooke’s portrait? No spoilers in this tagline...)
"Dropping in on Gottfried Leibniz" Stephen Wolfram (Leafing through the Leibniz archives: his resolve to make a ‘universal’ calculator. So fascinating: “But Leibniz latched on to base 2 as having particular significance ... binary numbers were at the core of the I Ching, which he’d heard about from missionaries to China, and viewed as related in spirit to his characteristica universalis.” The post is a must-read.)

*History of Medicine
"A Word, Aurist" Jaipreet Virdi (History of the 19th century ear specialist.
Also see her "Ear Trumpet in Mourning" and her "The Expulsion of 'Lewis'" on a 19th century ear-disease quack.)
"Fun with Pigs" Helen King ("The presence of pig organs" 4BC, 16th century, dissection today.)
"Coffin Collars and Cemetery Guns: Fortifying the Dead against Bodysnatchers" Lindsey Fitzharris (Running off with coffins of loved ones, and more; nice comments below the post.)
Also see her "Ear Trumpet in Mourning" and her "The Expulsion of 'Lewis'" on a 19th century ear-disease quack.)
"Fun with Pigs" Helen King ("The presence of pig organs" 4BC, 16th century, dissection today.)
"Coffin Collars and Cemetery Guns: Fortifying the Dead against Bodysnatchers" Lindsey Fitzharris (Running off with coffins of loved ones, and more; nice comments below the post.)
"Haunt of the Resurrection Men: A forgotten graveyard, the dawn of modern medicine, and the hard life in 19th-century London" Kate Revilious (Our debt to the purchased
bodies and crude medical procedures of that age.)
"Teaching the Deaf in 18th century London: A tribute to Rev. John Townsend" Mick Rendell and Jaipreet Virdi (Overcoming stigma and religious rivalry.)
"Teaching the Deaf in 18th century London: A tribute to Rev. John Townsend" Mick Rendell and Jaipreet Virdi (Overcoming stigma and religious rivalry.)
"How to stay healthy with homemade remedies" Dorota Walker (Carbolic acid and cologne to soothe
a toothache!)
"The infamous Dr Foulkes: The ‘black villain’of 18th-century physic" Alun Withey (Goose dung for the eyes and notorious
"Stories from psychiatry’s past: 'between danger and disease'"
Jennifer Wallis (Early analysis of the influence of bacteria on the brain.)
"As a lute out of tune: Robert Burton’s Melancholy" Noga Arikha (On the 17th century book, when sadness wasn't in the mind.)
"Miraculous Surgery or Mundane Procedure?" Rebecca Easaey (Nose jobs and the old "Indian" and "Italian" methods.)
"The Reformation and a Recipe Book" Lara Artemis and Helen Wakely (Fascinating 15th century manuscript combining folk remedies, damaged religious iconography, and royal associations.)
"Ancient medical tools" David Allsop (Two links to large series of photos with text of ancient medical tools.)
* Women in Histsci, Medical History
"As a lute out of tune: Robert Burton’s Melancholy" Noga Arikha (On the 17th century book, when sadness wasn't in the mind.)
"Miraculous Surgery or Mundane Procedure?" Rebecca Easaey (Nose jobs and the old "Indian" and "Italian" methods.)
"The Reformation and a Recipe Book" Lara Artemis and Helen Wakely (Fascinating 15th century manuscript combining folk remedies, damaged religious iconography, and royal associations.)
"Ancient medical tools" David Allsop (Two links to large series of photos with text of ancient medical tools.)
* Women in Histsci, Medical History
"Pain and Pearle Cordials" Jennifer Evans (Measures and men help with miscarriage.)
"Inappropriate intimacies" Jennifer Evans (On fears of male-female touching in early modern medicine.)
"Masturbation and the dangerous woman" Lisa Smith (The 18th century Ladies Dispensatory and tales of warning.)
"Early Soviet Nursing" Susan Grant (Short history of the shift from Sister of Mercy to Red Sister to Medical Sister in a tumultuous time.)
"Elaine Morgan and the Aquatic Ape" Erika Lorraine Milam (Raising questions about history of science, feminism and methodology - the submitter of this item says is missing important questions.)
"An Unusual Case of Menstruation in Eighteenth-Century England" Lisa Smith ("Ulcers" were not what we take them for today.)
"A 'Not-Recipe': An Expression of Frustration in Medical Matters" Anne Stobart (Questions the medical recipe sub-genre where recipes trail into personal notes. Also see Sally Osborn's "All that glitters" on finding a jewellery list in a recipe book.)
*Creams, Tins, Pie Tools, Weapons, Drugs, Compasses, Toilet Paper
"Inappropriate intimacies" Jennifer Evans (On fears of male-female touching in early modern medicine.)
"Masturbation and the dangerous woman" Lisa Smith (The 18th century Ladies Dispensatory and tales of warning.)
"Early Soviet Nursing" Susan Grant (Short history of the shift from Sister of Mercy to Red Sister to Medical Sister in a tumultuous time.)
"Elaine Morgan and the Aquatic Ape" Erika Lorraine Milam (Raising questions about history of science, feminism and methodology - the submitter of this item says is missing important questions.)
"An Unusual Case of Menstruation in Eighteenth-Century England" Lisa Smith ("Ulcers" were not what we take them for today.)
"A 'Not-Recipe': An Expression of Frustration in Medical Matters" Anne Stobart (Questions the medical recipe sub-genre where recipes trail into personal notes. Also see Sally Osborn's "All that glitters" on finding a jewellery list in a recipe book.)
*Creams, Tins, Pie Tools, Weapons, Drugs, Compasses, Toilet Paper
"Because she is worth it" Laurence Totelin (Byzantine pharmacology and sanctitude.)
"Secrets of the Medici Granducal Pharmacy" Ashley Buchanan (Pharmaceutical production in the 17th and 18th century at the Uffizi fonderia.)
"Secrets of the Medici Granducal Pharmacy" Ashley Buchanan (Pharmaceutical production in the 17th and 18th century at the Uffizi fonderia.)
"The story of how the tin can nearly wasn’t" Tom Geoghegan (So much went
into the tin that cans – sterilisation pre-Pasteur, invention
intrigue, Royal approval. The story
begins in 1813.)
"Just who is the Johanna St. John?" Elaine Leong (Lady J, the woman behind a 17th
cenuty cookbook “who expressed great interest and concern in various [local] foodstuffs
and homemade products”.)
"Pie Multi-Tools" Nicola (Scrimshaw pie multi-tools at a whaling museum.)
"'The Good Things Above': The Commercial Modernity of Vincent Lunardi"
Paul Keen (How ‘neglected science’ got attention in the 18th
"Weird and Wonderful Classic: Warfare and Weapons" AnnaJ (Giant iron
claws, flamethrowers, pigs!)
"Errors on Viking Sun Compass Hint at Alternative Purpose" Lisa Zyga (An
11th century instrument found in ruins of Benedictine convent in
Greenland may not have been used to calculate north.)
"Advising Government: Did Isaac Newton Get It Wrong?" Rebekah Higgitt (The
“correct path” and Isaac Newton’s controversial evidence on solving the
longitude problem.)
"Ten Things Romans Used for Toilet Paper" Caroline Lawrence (Ten
alternatives to the famous sponge-on-a-stick.)
"We tried to weaponise the weather" Jacob Darwin Hamblin (War tactics of the past half-century.)
"We tried to weaponise the weather" Jacob Darwin Hamblin (War tactics of the past half-century.)
"Rejuvenation! Otto Overbeck and Electrotherapy" James F. Stark (On "The Rejeuvenator," an early 20th century electrical invention...)
"Mount Everest, amphetamines, and the ethics of experiment" Vanessa Heggie (Is it morally acceptable to give Sherpas drugs?)
"Mount Everest, amphetamines, and the ethics of experiment" Vanessa Heggie (Is it morally acceptable to give Sherpas drugs?)

"Bespelled in the Archives" Lisa Smith (Continuity of magical beliefs from the 18th to the 20th century in France.)
"Magic Isn't Rocket Science" Benjamin Breen (Rockets and Black magic in 1940's Pasadena.)
"Bespelled in the Archives" Lisa Smith (Continuity of magical beliefs from the 18th to the 20th century in France.)
"Magic Isn't Rocket Science" Benjamin Breen (Rockets and Black magic in 1940's Pasadena.)
*The History of Science Invisible to the Human
"X-raycrystallography at 100" Boris Jardine (Patterns: answering why blood is red, explaining
evolution, and a motif in design.)
"April 1953: The other DNA papers" (podcast) (James Watson’s and
Francis Crick’s other two papers on
DNA structure, and how they were received.)
"Book Review:The Logic of Life – Francois Jacob" Jon Turney (On
the ongoing story of molecular biology.)
"Niels Bohr letters reveal trials of his time in England" Jason Palmer (Literary
allegory in his letters cast light on his clash over the atom.)
"60th anniversary of discovery of DNA Structure" JNurse (Crick & Watson’s paper on DNA's structure in Nature.)
"DNA double helix: discovery that led to 60 years of biological revolution" Adam Rutherford (Popular media reviews the history of DNA-related discoveries.)
"DNA double helix: 60 years of sexism in science" Michael Ward (What of the woman who was partly written out of history.)
*Evolutionism, Darwin
"19th April 1882: The Death of a Hero" Richard Carter (Huxley’s praise of Darwin and
an argument for his being a hero.)
"The Mosaic of Human Origins" Erich Michael Johnson (Anatomy throws a bone in the picture of evolutionism.)
"'My dear old friend': Darwin the man revealedas 40-year correspondence published online" The Darwin Correspondence Project
(What Darwin confided to Joseph Hooker.)
"Darwin’s madness" Nsikan Akpan (Purports, to some objection in the comments, that Darwin suffered heredetary illness.)
"Otis T. Mason on Technology and the Progress of Civilization" Christopher Donohue (“The progress of human beings as mental and material, rather than physical.”)
*The Fanciful in Science
"Darwin’s madness" Nsikan Akpan (Purports, to some objection in the comments, that Darwin suffered heredetary illness.)
"Otis T. Mason on Technology and the Progress of Civilization" Christopher Donohue (“The progress of human beings as mental and material, rather than physical.”)
*The Fanciful in Science
"Making Scientific Americans" Patrick McCray (Fiction and fact in a pseudo scientific 1970’s publication aimed at an “up-scale” male public.)
"Enlightened Monsters" Michael Saler (Frankenstein as scientific sign of modernity: automaton or autodidact?)
"Jepp, Who Defied the Stars" (Fiction excerpt. Young adult fiction inspired by the teenage dwarf jester Tycho Brahe kept.)
"Enlightened Monsters" Michael Saler (Frankenstein as scientific sign of modernity: automaton or autodidact?)
"Jepp, Who Defied the Stars" (Fiction excerpt. Young adult fiction inspired by the teenage dwarf jester Tycho Brahe kept.)
"Monstrous History: The “Gothic” Influence of Ambroise Paré" and "Part II" Brandy Schillace (How the medicalization
of birth led to the “penny dreadful.”)
"Merrrrdrrrre!:Alfred Jarry and Père Ubu" Alastair Brotchie (Pataphysique, “the science of imaginary solutions” – remember the umbrella that became a portico?)
"Of Cats and Manuscripts" Emir O. Filipović (Mysterious cat paw prints discovered in a
Dubrovnik Archive manuscript.)
*Historic Machines and Popular Media
"The Mechanical Turk and Automata of the 18th Century" Cassandra Nelson
(More on the mustachioed chess-playing robot: summary of Gopnik’s article,
and the Mechanical Turk in literature and beyond.)
"Da Vinci's Demons: The Serpent" Hasan Niyazi (Leonardo – on dissection, war machines, and
in a popular programme.)
"Kircher’s Cosmos: On Athanasius Kircher" Paula Findlen (On 17th century Jesuit
Kircher and his connection to Rain Man, Purcell, Borges - and his writings on
Sunflower Clocks, Aeolian Harps: Kircher meets the popular media.) Also on Kircher.
If you'd followed Rebekah Higgitt's coverage of Tesla memorial developments a few months back, "Plans for a Memorial to Honor Tesla" William J. Broad; "Tesla Science Center Buys Inventor's Old Laboratory For $850,000 In Wardenclyffe, New York" Frank Eltma.
If you'd followed Rebekah Higgitt's coverage of Tesla memorial developments a few months back, "Plans for a Memorial to Honor Tesla" William J. Broad; "Tesla Science Center Buys Inventor's Old Laboratory For $850,000 In Wardenclyffe, New York" Frank Eltma.

*Museum Exhibits, Libraries
"History, Science and the History of Science" Emily Eggleston (Highlights from Oxford's Museum of the History of Science.)
"The History of Islamic Medicine is Revisited in London" Alison Meier (With link to the Royal College of Physicians exhibit.)
"Museum Visit: Alchemy on the Amstel: a visit to the Ritman Library" Marieke Hendrikson (Poison!)
"Going Dutch" Richard Dunn (What to see re. maritime history in the Netherlands; of 17th century Dutch Golden Age.)
"Sexology in the Wellcome Library" Lesley (Material re. Hirschfeld’s legacy and the impact of continental sexual science on British sexologists.)
*Cartography, Geography, Climate, Geology
"History, Science and the History of Science" Emily Eggleston (Highlights from Oxford's Museum of the History of Science.)
"The History of Islamic Medicine is Revisited in London" Alison Meier (With link to the Royal College of Physicians exhibit.)
"Museum Visit: Alchemy on the Amstel: a visit to the Ritman Library" Marieke Hendrikson (Poison!)
"Going Dutch" Richard Dunn (What to see re. maritime history in the Netherlands; of 17th century Dutch Golden Age.)
"Sexology in the Wellcome Library" Lesley (Material re. Hirschfeld’s legacy and the impact of continental sexual science on British sexologists.)
*Cartography, Geography, Climate, Geology
"The climate scientist whose world spun on through war" Andy Extance (Milutin Milankovic and predictions of an ice age.)
"The Laxton Map" (17th century)
"Oh the places you'll go: 38,000 historical maps to explore at new online library" (Self-explanatory.)
"The Laxton Map" (17th century)
"Oh the places you'll go: 38,000 historical maps to explore at new online library" (Self-explanatory.)
"Rediscovering Drake’s Island" Richard Dunn (A previously unnoticed painting with a history
"It Starts with an Earthquake" Elizabeth Angell (Historical and modern perspectives,
replete with apocalyptic conclusions and clues of fault lines.)
"History and science meet" Penny Brook (On ships' journals and climate studies: contains link to historic records/climate studies site.)
"Mary Horner Lyell: 'A Monument of Patience'" Dana Hunter (A woman geologist, and Charles Lyell's partner.)
"The Board, Bligh and Brando" Tracey Gooch (The importance of navigational timekeepers.)
"Video: Katy Barrett on Longitude: it’s not longitude that matters, it’s what you do with it that counts" (A must-watch if you've been following The Board of Longitude Project.)
"Ordinance Surveyors’ Drawings opened for reuse" Kimberly Kowal (Map records of industrialisation.)
"The Geological Society of America and its Founders – Charles Henry Hitchcock" (Geology histsci in America.)
"Michael Boym’s Flora Sinensis (1656)" Andrea Hart (On one of the earliest European works on the natural history of China, replete with botanical and zoological plates, by a Polish Jesuit missionary.)
*Astronomy, Rocket Science
"History and science meet" Penny Brook (On ships' journals and climate studies: contains link to historic records/climate studies site.)
"Mary Horner Lyell: 'A Monument of Patience'" Dana Hunter (A woman geologist, and Charles Lyell's partner.)
"The Board, Bligh and Brando" Tracey Gooch (The importance of navigational timekeepers.)
"Video: Katy Barrett on Longitude: it’s not longitude that matters, it’s what you do with it that counts" (A must-watch if you've been following The Board of Longitude Project.)
"Ordinance Surveyors’ Drawings opened for reuse" Kimberly Kowal (Map records of industrialisation.)
"The Geological Society of America and its Founders – Charles Henry Hitchcock" (Geology histsci in America.)
"Michael Boym’s Flora Sinensis (1656)" Andrea Hart (On one of the earliest European works on the natural history of China, replete with botanical and zoological plates, by a Polish Jesuit missionary.)
*Astronomy, Rocket Science
"A long-lived medieval astronomy text" John F. Ptak (Beautiful
illustrations from Sacra Busto aka Johannes Halifax’s books.)
A Calculation of the Great Eclipse of the Sun April 22 1715 (Illustration; download.)
"Picturing science: Inside a Georgian observatory" Rebekah Higgitt (A portrait reveals a
glimpse into 18th century 2nd Earl of Macclesfield’s
"Wernher von Braun: History's most controversial figure?" Amy Shira Teitel (Nazi rocket scientist.)
"Whimsical Illustration: 1464 illustrations of comets in 'German' miscellany" (Illustration; one sticking out its tongue.)
*Theory, Two Dissertation Reviews
"Wernher von Braun: History's most controversial figure?" Amy Shira Teitel (Nazi rocket scientist.)
"Whimsical Illustration: 1464 illustrations of comets in 'German' miscellany" (Illustration; one sticking out its tongue.)
*Theory, Two Dissertation Reviews
"The links between science studies and British 'declinist' discourse" Will Thomas (Thoughts
on changing discourse on the nature of science and the science-society relationship.)
"The Microhistorian" Francesca Mari (Microhistorians vs. Great Man History.)
"The Hope of Digital Humanities" D.G. Myers
(Though not strictly connected to the history of science, this overview and
consideration may be of use to GS readers.)
"Dissertation Review: Preternatural Particulars and the Wonders of Generation" Alisha Rankin (Danish medicine 1650-1800.)
"Dissertation Review: Chinese Geology and German Imperialism" Ying Jia Tan (Begins with Richtofen, who coined the term "silk road.")
*The Antikythera Mechanism
The mechanism has reached popular media this April: currently the subject of a televised NOVA special. Also, the Archaeological Museum in Athens has extended its temporary exhibit of the other Antikythera shipwreck finds. This Guardian article describes what the divers found at the wreck, and a selected tour of the temporary exhibit may be had here. A recommended paper is "The Cosmos in the Antikythera Mechanism" by Tony Freeth and Alexander Jones.
"Dissertation Review: Preternatural Particulars and the Wonders of Generation" Alisha Rankin (Danish medicine 1650-1800.)
"Dissertation Review: Chinese Geology and German Imperialism" Ying Jia Tan (Begins with Richtofen, who coined the term "silk road.")
*The Antikythera Mechanism
The mechanism has reached popular media this April: currently the subject of a televised NOVA special. Also, the Archaeological Museum in Athens has extended its temporary exhibit of the other Antikythera shipwreck finds. This Guardian article describes what the divers found at the wreck, and a selected tour of the temporary exhibit may be had here. A recommended paper is "The Cosmos in the Antikythera Mechanism" by Tony Freeth and Alexander Jones.
Giants' Shoulders no. 60 will be hosted by Thony C. at The Renaissance Mathematicus on 16 June 2013. Submission as always to the host by 15 June.

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